Gaijin Sashimi

Maandag 12 augustus 2019 | Gaijin Sashimi

  • 2019 | 12 augustus



    In Japan, a typically Dutch boy works on his sashimi slicing skills. The sensei teaching him slices his fish like an artist, with an extremely steady hand, whereas his foreign pupil can hardly hold the brush. The master lets his apprentice slice fish until the latter, surprisingly enough, finds the solution in his own culture. Short animation combines numerous different, at times picturesque 2D and 3D techniques to arrive at a tasty picture.
    5‘  / colour

    Genre: Comedy

    Original title: Gaijin Sashimi
    Prod: Utrecht School of Arts (HKU)
    Completed: 2019
    Language: no dialogue
    Erik Vos:
    Graduation film
  • 2019 | 12 augustus


    Japan has always been a major source of inspiration for half-Japanese animation filmmaker Erik Vos.
    Just like art, he points out that culture can enrich the viewing experience on life. The animation film Gaijin Sashimi is such a viewing experience.
    A Dutch boy is looking for his sashimi cutting technique. In the teachings of a Japanese sensei he finally finds the form in his own culture.
    The story has a Japanese anime frame, which is depicted in a Western painting technique. The production is a mix of paintings, 3D animation, 2D animation and ‘live action’.
    Various film principles have been applied in this animation. Story telling (narrative) with abstract and associative hues.
    Because diversity is the innate inspiration of the animator, he likes to be inspired by the media itself. He believes that mixing (analogue and digital) adds value to his work.

    Stills from the film.


    2019 | 12 augustus

  • 2019 | 12 augustus



    Those who spread my story 

    Dutch Film Festival, The Netherlands, 28-09-2019,
    Camera Japan, The Netherlands, 28-09-2019
    Arte Non Stop Festival, Argentina, 31-09-2019,
    Cinekid, The Netherlands, 21-10-2019,
    AnimArte!, Brazil, 03-10-2019
    Animaine, US, 08-10-2019
    Kaboom, The Netherlands, 07-11-2019
    Animasivo, Mexico, 01-12-2019
    Youngabout Film Festival, Italy, 18-03-2020
    Watersprite, UK, 06-03-2020
    Animac, Spain, 08-04-2020
    bebop channel, US
    Flicks, The Netherlands, Groningen
    Fluxus, The Netherlands, Zaandam
    Kleinkaap short Film Festival, South Africa, Kaapstad
    Food Film Fest, Bergamo, Italië (finalist)
    FIAfest, Chia, Colombia
    La Truca, Cali, Colombia
    Zaporizhzhia International Film Festival, Ukraine
    Pleinbioscoop, Rotterdam
    TIAF (Taichung International Animation Festival)
    Canlandiranlar Festival (turkey)
    IKFF (International Kids Film Festival) (india)
    Big Cartoon Festival (Russia)
    AGM Film Festival (finalist) (turkey)
    Neos fest (mexico)
    第21回映像公開フォーラムオンライン Osaka
    Kinofestvial “Light of the world”
    Illustri Festival, Vicenza, Italie
    Zwols Animatie Film Festival
    Europe on Screen, Jakarta

  • 2019 | 12 augustus

    Nominations & Awards


    2019 | 12 augustus

  • 2019 | 12 augustus



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